We investigate the efficiency of power generation by thermo-chemical engines. For strong coupling between the particle and heat flows and in the presence of a left-right symmetry in the system, we demonstrate that the efficiency at maximum power displays universality up to quadratic order in the deviation from equilibrium. A maser model is presented to illustrate our argument. The concept of Carnot efficiency is a cornerstone of thermodynamics. It states that the efficiency of a cyclic ("Carnot") thermal engine that transforms an amount Q r of energy extracted from a heat reservoir at temperature T r into an amount of work W is at most η = W/Q r ≤ η c = 1 − T l /T r , where T l is the temperature of a second, colder reservoir. The theoretical implications of this result are momentous, as they lie at the basis of the introduction by Clausius of the entropy as a state function. The practical implications are more limited, since the upper limit η c ("Carnot efficiency") is only reached for engines that operate reversibly. As a result, when the efficiency is maximal, the output power is zero. By optimizing the Carnot cycle with respect to power rather than efficiency, Curzon and Ahlborn found that the corresponding efficiency is given by η CA = 1 − T l /T r [1]. They obtained this result for a specific model, using in addition the so-called endo-reversible approximation (i.e., neglecting the dissipation in the auxiliary, work producing entity). Subsequently, the validity of this result as an upper bound, as well as its universal character, were the subject of a longstanding debate. In the regime of linear response, more precisely to linear order in η c , it was proven that the efficiency at maximum power is indeed limited by the Curzon-Ahlborn efficiency, which in this regime is exactly half of the Carnot efficiency,. The upper limit is reached for a specific class of models, namely, those for which the heat flux is strongly coupled to the work-generating flux. Interestingly, such strong coupling is also a prerequisite for open systems to achieve Carnot efficiency [3,4]. In the nonlinear regime, no general result is known. Efficiencies at maximum power, not only below but also above Curzon-Ahlborn efficiency, have been reported [5,6,7,8]. However, it was also found, again in several strong coupling models [7,8,9], that the efficiency at maximum power agrees with η CA up to quadratic order in η c , i.e., η = η c /2+η 2 c /8+O(η 3 c ), again raising the question of universality at least to this order. In this letter we prove that the coefficient 1/8 is indeed universal for strong coupling models that possess a left-right symmetry. Such a universality is remarkable in view of the fact that most explicit macroscopic relationships, for example the symmetry of Onsager coefficients, are limited to the regime of linear response. The interest in strong coupling is further motivated by the observation that it can naturally be achieved in nano-devices [10,11,12]. To complement our theoretical discussion, we also present a deta...