Membrane technologies using reverse
osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration
(NF) have been widely implemented in water purification and desalination
processes. Separation between species at the molecular level is achievable
in RO and NF membranes due to a complex and poorly understood combination
of transport mechanisms that have attracted the attention of researchers
within and beyond the membrane community for many years. Minimizing
existing knowledge gaps in transport through these membranes can improve
the sustainability of current water-treatment processes and expand
the use of RO and NF membranes to other applications that require
high selectivity between species. Since its establishment in 1949,
and with growing popularity in recent years, Eyring’s transition-state
theory (TST) for transmembrane permeation has been applied in numerous
studies to mechanistically explore molecular transport in membranes
including RO and NF. In this review, we critically assess TST applied
to transmembrane permeation in salt-rejecting membranes, focusing
on mechanistic insights into transport under confinement that can
be gained from this framework and the key limitations associated with
the method. We first demonstrate and discuss the limited ability of
the commonly used solution-diffusion model to mechanistically explain
transport and selectivity trends observed in RO and NF membranes.
Next, we review important milestones in the development of TST, introduce
its underlying principles and equations, and establish the connection
to transmembrane permeation with a focus on molecular-level enthalpic
and entropic barriers that govern water and solute transport under
confinement. We then critically review the application of TST to explore
transport in RO and NF membranes, analyzing trends in measured enthalpic
and entropic barriers and synthesizing new data to highlight important
phenomena associated with the temperature-dependent measurement of
the activation parameters. We also discuss major limitations of the
experimental application of TST and propose specific solutions to
minimize the uncertainties surrounding the current approach. We conclude
with identifying future research needs to enhance the implementation
and maximize the benefit of TST application to transmembrane permeation.