HIV-1 protease is most active under weakly acidic conditions (pH 3.5-6.5), when the catalytic Asp25 and Asp25 residues share 1 proton. At neutral pH, this proton is lost and the stability of the structure is reduced. Here we present an investigation of the effect of pH on the dynamics of HIV-1 protease using MD simulation techniques. MD simulations of the solvated HIV-1 protease with the Asp25/25 residues monoprotonated and deprotonated have been performed. In addition we investigated the effect of the inclusion of Na ؉ and Cl ؊ ions to mimic physiological salt conditions. The simulations of the monoprotonated form and deprotonated form including Na ؉ show very similar behavior. In both cases the protein remained stable in the compact, "self-blocked" conformation in which the active site is blocked by the tips of the flaps. In the deprotonated system a Na ؉ ion binds tightly to the catalytic dyad shielding the repulsion between the COO ؊ groups. Ab initio calculations also suggest the geometry of the active site with the Na ؉ bound closely resembles that of the monoprotonated case. In the simulations of the deprotonated form (without Na ؉ ions), a water molecule bound between the Asp25 Asp25 side-chains. This disrupted the dimerization interface and eventually led to a fully open conformation. Proteins 2005;58:450 -458.