Solid (Me,Sn),CO,, 1, forms polymeric zig-zag chains were bidentate M e , S n --O -C p units (containing a 0 tetrahedral Me,Sn group) connect trigonal-bipyramidal Me,SnO, units which form the polymeric backbone. Both the tetrahedral and the trigonal-bipyramidal Me,Sn moiety in solid 1 undergo 2n/3 reorientation around their respective Sn-0 bonds at ambient temperature. Although "C cross-polarization magic angle spinning (CP/MAS) spectra of 1 are strongly temperature dependent in the temperature range 160-383 K, neither lineshape analysis of these exchange-broadened 13C spectra nor 2D exchange spectroscopy allows the extraction of meaningful kinetic data for solid 1. Owing to severe overlap problems in the various "C CP/MAS spectra and because of the apparent vastly different 2n/3 jump rates for the two different Me,Sn units in solid 1, only combined information from variable-temperatureIvariable-r.f. irradiation strength 13C CP/MAS experiments in conjunction with consideration of geometric information from single-crystal x-ray difbaction yields an estimate of the respective activa-