The incident-energy dependence and angular distribution of a scattered- yield were measured and compared with those of scattered- and scattered- yields. Below the incident energy of 80 eV, both resonance and Auger neutralization processes are considered to contribute to the ion-survival probability in and scattering, from the analysis based on the calculation by Imke et al (Imke U, Snowdon K J and Heiland W 1986 Phys. Rev. B 34 41, 48). Above the incident energy of 80 eV, the electron promotion mechanism contributes additionally to the ion neutralization process, and causes the difference between and the other ions as regards the survival-ion yields. The threshold energy at which dissociated appears for incidence is . The dissociated is considered to arise via reionization of a D atom which is dissociated from once-neutralized via impulsive collision.