Carchesium polypinum and Vorticella campanula were collected in freshwater ponds and reservoirs on Jindo Island and other places in Korea. These two vorticellids are newly recorded in Korea. The two species are described using live and silver impregnated cell observations, morphometry, line drawings, and microphotographs. Characterizations were based on the following diagnostic features: Carchesium polypinum was observed mainly as a funnel to fanshaped colony, basically dichotomous branching pattern, discontinuous spasmoneme, subconical shaped zooid, J shaped macronucleus, ventrally positioned single contractile vacuole, and pellicular striation with 61-80 rows between the peristomial lip and aboral ciliary wreath, and 18-30 rows between the aboral ciliary wreath and scopula. Vorticella campanula was conspicuously characterized by the broadly bulged peristomial lip, wide conical shaped zooid, J or S shaped macronucleus, ventrally positioned single contractile vacuole and pellicular striation with 64-75 rows between the peristomial lip and aboral ciliary wreath, and 27-41 rows between the aboral ciliary wreath and scopula. We provide redescriptions of two well-known vorticellids with detailed drawings and descriptions of oral ciliatures from Jindo Island and other places on the Korean peninsula.