The present paper provides a monograph of Elaphoglossum subsect. Muscosa, a monophyletic group supported by molecular phylogenetic analyses. The monograph includes keys, full synonymy, descriptions, representative specimens examined, an index to collectors' names and numbers, illustrations, spore photomicrographs, and distribution maps for all species. Morphologically, the subsection is recognized by scaly rhizomes, petioles and laminae, obtuse leaf apices, and spores that are about twice as long as in other species of Elaphoglossum. Fifteen species of subsect. Muscosa are here recognized, with no subspecies or varieties. All of the species are Neotropical occurring from southern Mexico to Bolivia and Southeastern Brazil, with three species in the West Indies. Most of the species occur in the Andes from 1500 -4000 m, primarily in cloud forests and páramos. Three new species are described: E. novogranatense, E. oreophilum, and E. quisqueyanum. The name E. glabrescens A.Vasco, nom. & stat. nov. is proposed. Lectotypes are designated for E. aschersonii, E. bellermannianum, E. blandum, E. caulolepia, E. corderoanum, E. decipiens, E. ellipsoideum, E. engelii, E. gardnerianum, E. lehmannianum, E. muscosum, E. viscidulum, E. yarumalense, and E. yatesii.
Published on 1 August 2011166 Blumea -Volume 56 / 2, 2011 that are here recognized as part of the subsect. Muscosa in his "Ordo" Stenoneura (plants lacking hydathodes), "Sectio" Lepidoglossa, "Subsectio" Polylepidea, "Divisio" Muscosa and Bellermanniana. In his "Divisio" Muscosa he included E. muscosum (Sw.) T.Moore, E. cuspidatum (Willd.) T.Moore, E. lepidotum (Willd.) J.Sm., and E. tomentosum (Bory) T.Moore (the three last species do not belong to subsect. Muscosa as recognized here, but were included in the "Divisio" by Christ because of their short-ciliate blade scales). The bulk of the species that are here recognized as part of subsect. Muscosa were placed by Christ within his "Divisio" Bellermanniana: E. bellermannianum (Klotzsch) T.Moore, E. corderoanum (Sodiro) Christ, E. engelii (H.Karst.) Christ, E. lehmannianum Christ, and E. yatesii (Sodiro) Christ. Christ (1899) placed E. gardnerianum (Kunze ex Fée) T.Moore within the "Ordo" Condyloneura (species with hydathodes), "Sectio" Gymnoglossa, "Subsectio" Pilosa, "Divisio" Gardneriana. This placement seems strange and was probably due to the fact that Christ did not see the type of this species (although he cites some collections from Brazil that correspond to E. gardnerianum). Mickel & Atehortúa (1980) recognized and formally described subsect. Muscosa, including within it nine species: E. aschersonii Hieron., E. bellermannianum, E. blandum Rosenst., E. corderoanum, E. decipiens Hieron., E. engelii, E. lehmannianum, E. muscosum, and E. plicatum (Cav.) C.Chr. (this last species does not belong to subsect. Muscosa as circumscribed by this study). They stated that some of Christ's groups, including "Divisio" Gardneriana, were of unknown relationships with their subsections. This was again probably becaus...