We report on a theoretical study of the newly observed Ωð2012Þ resonance in the nonleptonic weak decays of Ω 0 c → π þK Ξ Ã ð1530ÞðηΩÞ → π þ ðKΞÞ − and π þ ðKΞπÞ − via final-state interactions of thē KΞ Ã ð1530Þ and ηΩ pairs. The weak interaction part is assumed to be dominated by the charm quark decay process: cðssÞ → ðs þ u þdÞðssÞ, while the hadronization part takes place between the sss cluster from the weak decay and a quark-antiquark pair with the quantum numbers J PC ¼ 0 þþ of the vacuum, producing a pair ofKΞ Ã ð1530Þ and ηΩ. Accordingly, the finalKΞ Ã ð1530Þ and ηΩ states are in pure isospin I ¼ 0 combinations, and the Ω 0 c → π þK Ξ Ã ð1530ÞðηΩÞ → π þ ðKΞÞ − decay is an ideal process to study the Ωð2012Þ resonance. With the final-state interaction described in the chiral unitary approach, up to an arbitrary normalization, the invariant mass distributions of the final states are calculated, assuming that the Ωð2012Þ resonance with spin-parity J P ¼ 3=2 − is dynamically generated from the coupled channels interactions of theKΞ Ã ð1530Þ and ηΩ in s-wave andKΞ in d-wave. We also calculate the ratio RK Ξπ KΞ ¼ Br½Ω 0 c → π þ Ωð2012Þ − → π þ ðKΞπÞ − =Br½Ω 0 c → π þ Ωð2012Þ − → π þ ðKΞÞ −. The proposed mechanism can provide valuable information on the nature of the Ωð2012Þ and can in principle be tested by future experiments, such as LHCb, Belle, BelleII, and the planed facilities, such as the super tau charm facility and electron ion collider at China.