Through reliable first-principles computations, we have demonstrated the impact of CO 2 molecules enclathration on the stability of sI clathrate hydrates. Given the delicate balance between the interaction energy components (van der Waals, hydrogen bonds) present on such systems, we follow a systematic bottom-up approach starting from the individual 5 12 and 5 12 6 2 sI cages, up to all existing combinations of two-adjacent sI crystal cages to evaluate how such clathrate-like models perform on the evaluation of the guest-host and first-neighbors inter-cage effects, respectively. Interaction and binding energies of the CO 2 occupation of the sI cages were computed using DF-MP2 and different DFT/DFTÀ D electronic structure methodologies. The performance of selected DFT functionals, together with various semi-classical dispersion corrections schemes, were validated by comparison with reference ab initio DF-MP2 data, as well as experimental data from x-ray and neutron diffraction studies available. Our investigation confirms that the inclusion of the CO 2 in the cage/s is an energetically favorable process, with the CO 2 molecule preferring to occupy the large 5 12 6 2 sI cages compared to the 5 12 ones. Further, the present results conclude on the rigidity of the water cages arrangements, showing the importance of the inter-cage couplings in the cluster models under study. In particular, the guest-cage interaction is the key factor for the preferential orientation of the captured CO 2 molecules in the sI cages, while the inter-cage interactions seems to cause minor distortions with the CO 2 guest neighbors interactions do not extending beyond the large 5 12 6 2 sI cages. Such findings on these clathrate-like model systems are in accord with experimental observations, drawing a direct relevance to the structural stability of CO 2 @sI clathrates.