Massé, A.; Friederich, P.; Symalla, F.; Liu, F.; Meded, V.; Coehoorn, R.; Wenzel, W.; Bobbert, P.A.
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Citation for published version (APA):Massé, A., Friederich, P., Symalla, F., Liu, F., Meded, V., Coehoorn, R., ... Bobbert, P. A. (2017). Effects of energy correlations and superexchange on charge transport and exciton formation in amorphous molecular semiconductors: an ab initio study. Physical Review B, 95(11), 1-11. [115204]. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.115204
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Take down policyIf you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. In this study, we investigate on the basis of ab initio calculations how the morphology, molecular on-site energies, reorganization energies, and charge transfer integral distribution affect the hopping charge transport and the exciton formation process in disordered organic semiconductors. We focus on three materials applied frequently in organic light-emitting diodes: α-NPD, TCTA, and Spiro-DPVBi. Spatially correlated disorder and, more importantly, superexchange contributions to the transfer integrals, are found to give rise to a significant increase of the electric field dependence of the electron and hole mobility. Furthermore, a material-specific correlation is found between the HOMO and LUMO energy on each specific molecular site. For α-NPD and TCTA, we find a positive correlation between the HOMO and LUMO energies, dominated by a Coulombic contribution to the energies. In contrast, Spiro-DPVBi shows a negative correlation, dominated by a conformational contribution. The size and sign of this correlation have a strong...