Molecular junctions have been characterized to determine the influence of the metal contact formation in the electron transport process through a single molecule. With inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy and first-principles calculations, the vibration modes of a carbon monoxide molecule have been surveyed as a function of the distance from a copper electrode with unprecedented accuracy. We observe a continuous but nonlinear blue shift of the frustrated rotation mode in tunneling with decreasing distance followed by an abrupt softening upon contact formation. This indicates that the presence of the metal electrode sensibly alters the structural and conductive properties of the junction even without the formation of a strong chemical bond.KEYWORDS Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy, electron-vibration coupling, single molecule-metal contact, electron conductance, density functional theory, nonequilibrium Green's function, point contact spectroscopy C harge transport through metal-molecule systems is a major subject of study in a rapidly growing interdisciplinary research field. It deals with fundamental and applied aspects of science at the nanoscale aiming to control the electron conductance at the molecular level and the uprising of nanotechnology.1,2 One of the major results of this research is that the properties of an isolated molecule are not the only fundamental parameters determining the conductance in a metal-molecule junction. Indeed, similarly to the adsorption of molecules on surfaces, the atomistic arrangement at the junction and the coupling between the molecule and the metal electrodes can significantly alter the electronic and structural properties of the molecule.3-5 In particular, the stronger the metal-molecule interaction is, the less the measured conductance can be ascribed to molecular properties alone.Accessing the influence of the molecular contact to the metal in the transport properties is, however, experimentally challenging. Despite the continuous progress, the electron conductance measured using either a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) or a break-junction device 6-13 has so far not elucidated this question clearly. The strength of the metal-molecule coupling, and in particular its variation during the contact formation, can be characterized through the spectroscopic signal of the molecular vibrations as measured by inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy (IETS). 6,9,[14][15][16][17] This can be recorded as a function of the tip-molecule distance allowing understanding to which extent the contact formation influences the molecular properties.A good molecular prototype to study the influence of the metal bond is carbon monoxide (CO). Indeed, this molecule is used as ligand to contact metal atoms in coordination chemistry and its electronic and vibration properties are very sensitive to the local adsorption environment. Shifts of the vibration frequencies are observed by coadsorption with other gases 18 and explained by subtle mechanisms of charge transfer. 19...