ABSTRAClSulfhydryl compounds (specially cysteamine family) have been shown to reduce radiation injury. Many studies in vivo and in vitro were first reported [ I ] . In the cells the most abundant natural aminothiol is the tripeptide glutathione. We have first presented spectrophotometric results in U.V. range-concerning interaction between DNA and GSH [2].-Now we observe the competition between GSH and the stronger radioprotector WR-1065 in interaction with DNA. The different behaviours of GSH and WR-1065 are discussed.At molecular level radioprotectors have an action on nuclear DNA. After penetrating cellular membranes they can be utilized in radiotherapy and chemotherapy. In the cells the most abundant natural aminothiol is glutathione in its reduced form GSH ; this short tripeptide ( y-glu-cys-gly) presents several functional activities in biology, cancertherapy and pharmacology [I].Important topological similarities exist between this natural endogenous radioprotector and the best known synthesized radioprotectors : cysteamine, WR-2721 and its metabolite WR-1065 o r WR-2578 : from the main chain of cysteamine we can obtain WR-2578 main chain which is very closely related to the GSH y-glu-cys branch [2].On the contrary there is a fundamental electrochemical difference between GSH and synthesized aminothiol radioprotectors : all, without exception, are cationic at neutral pH (cysteamine is monocationic, WR-1065 is bicationic) but at pH 7 GSH is globaly monoanionic (bianionic contribution of gly and glu carbonyls and monocationic contribution of the glu amino group).Many works indicate a correlation between glutathione modulation and cancer treatment [31, [41. Laboratory studies demonstrate that glutathione modulation can greatly alter the cellular response to a number of anti-cancer treatment modalities [51.Other experiments [6] point out an enhanced effectiveness o f WR-1065 and cysteamine as cationic radioprotectors compared to neutral and anionic thiols such as GSH.So it seems to us that spectrophotometric studies of the interaction DNA -WR-1065 in absence or presence of GSH will be very interesting.We have made a direct interaction with DNA in absence of any radiation.This work is the continuation of previous studies executed in our laboratory concerning the action of cysteamine [71, or WR-1065 [e], o r GSH [9] on DNA. Using the noise spectrography technique we have first evaluated electrical and mechanical mobilities o f GSH [IO]. Now we present spectrophotometric results in U.V. range concerning interaction between DNA and GSH-, WR-1065 or the both.All solutions are prepared with NaCl 2.10-3 M ; the DNA phosphate site concentration is P. All concentrations are expressed as multiple of P. All measurements were made at pH 7 ; so glutathione is in its natural reduced form : the monoanion GSH-. WR-1065 concentration is always less important than GSH-one : indeed with a too large WR-1065 concentration we can get aggregats. Moreover WR-1065 action is stronger than GSH-one. Variations o f DNA behaviour versus...