The fluorescence of a single molecule exhibits light and dark periods which reveal the jumping back and forth between the singlet and triplet manifold. In this paper we demonstrate how microwaveinduced changes to the distribution of the triplet-residence times can be used to detect magneticresonance transitions between triplet sublevels and to determine their kinetics. By synchronizing resonant microwave pulses with the quantum jumps of a terrylene molecule it proved possible to record transient-nutation signals with a high contrast. [S0031-9007(98)05942-0] PACS numbers: 39.30. + w, 33.20.Bx, 76.70.Hb In recent years, optical spectroscopy of single molecules has allowed a wide range of experiments on an increasing number of molecular systems [1]. Still, magnetic-resonance experiments involving a paramagnetic state were as yet demonstrated only for single pentacene molecules [2,3] and individual N-V centers in diamond [4]. Since the signal detected in single-molecule experiments usually consists of the fluorescence emitted by the molecule upon laser excitation, systems apt for single-molecule spectroscopy should have a high fluorescence rate. The fluorescence concerns a transition between the singlet ground state ͑S 0 ͒ and the lowest excited singlet state ͑S 1 ͒. The lowest triplet state T 1 (where two unpaired electrons combine to form a spin S 1) lies below S 1 and becomes occupied, with a low degree of probability, from the S 1 state through a spin-forbidden process called intersystem crossing (ISC). The T 1 state is relatively long lived. While present in T 1 , the molecule does not participate in excitation/emission cycles and thus ceases to fluoresce. For this reason molecules with a low ISC, which visit the triplet state infrequently, are favored in single-molecule spectroscopy. However, this very property makes it hard to perform optically detected magnetic-resonance (ODMR) spectroscopy on the triplet state of a single molecule. In such an ODMR experiment the resonant absorption of microwaves connecting two triplet sublevels is detected through a change of the fluorescence rate. The fluorescence rate may change when two triplet sublevels with different lifetimes are coupled, causing a change in the average triplet lifetime.Instead of detecting the average fluorescence, our method involves the detection and analysis of the length of the dark periods that reflect the presence of the molecule in the triplet state. Such an experiment was performed on terrylene embedded at low concentration in a p-terphenyl host crystal (Fig. 1). Terrylene is known to have a quantum yield for ISC from S 1 to T 1 as low as 10 25 [5] and as yet it proved impossible to observe the magnetic-resonance transitions in its T 1 state. We detected single terrylene molecules by cooling a crystal to 1.8 K and spectrally selecting molecules using a single-mode cw dye laser. Molecule 1 was selected at 17286.08 cm 21 , in the red wing of the origin of the X 2 site [5]. Owing to the short fluorescence lifetime of terrylene (3.8 ns [6]) and...