The crystal structure and phase transition of cubic structure II (sII) binary clathrate hydrates of methane (CH 4 ) and propanol are reported from powder X-ray diffraction measurements.T he deformation of host water cages at the cubic-tetragonal phase transition of 2-propanol + CH 4 hydrate,b ut not 1-propanol + CH 4 hydrate,w as observed belowabout 110 K. It is shown that the deformation of the host water cages of 2-propanol + CH 4 hydrate can be explained by the restriction of the motion of 2-propanol within the 5 12 6 4 host water cages.T his result provides al ow-temperature structure due to atemperature-induced symmetry-lowering transition of clathrate hydrate.This is the first example of acubic structure of the common clathrate hydrate families at af ixedc omposition.Clathrate hydrates,a lso known as gas hydrates,a re hostguest compounds that are crystalline materials consisting of water molecule frameworks.The host water cages of clathrate hydrate are hydrogen-bonded and encage guest molecules inside via van der Waals interactions. [1] Each guest molecule is encaged into different types of cages ordered in threedimensional structures according to the size of the guest molecule.T hree different crystal structure of clathrate hydrate are well known depending on type of guest molecules;c ubic structure I( sI) with space group Pm3 n,c ubic structure II (sII) with space group Fd3 m, and hexagonal structure H( sH) with space group P6/mmm. [2] These host structures are analogues of the semiconducting Group 14 clathrates [3] and silica clathrates (so-called clathrasils). [4] Natural-gas or methane hydrate is now seen as apossible global source of methane, [5,6] and the capability of gas hydrates to store large amounts of gas has opened up possibilities for potential industrial applications such as hydrogen [7,8] and ozone [9,10] storage.P hysical properties of gas hydrates are attributed to host-guest interactions such as rattling motions [11] or hydrogen bonding [12,13] of guest mole-cules.H ost-guest interactions also play ac rucial role,a sg as hydrate structures are thermodynamically stable only when am inimum number of cages are occupied by the guest molecules,depending on their nature.Phase changes of clathrate hydrates are known to take place with pressure,and cubic clathrate structures,sIand sII, at ambient pressure transform to hexagonal sH or astructure closely related to it at pressure above 0.5 GPa. [14] Up to now, however, few examples of the phase change with temperature have been reported in the common clathrate hydrate structural families sI, sII, and sH at constant composition. [15,16] On the other hand, clathrasils have av ariety of polyhedral cages and show temperature-induced phase changes. [17] Given the analogy between oxygen linking tetrahedral atoms in silicate framework structure in clathrasils and hydrogen bonds linking oxygen atoms in clathrate hydrates, [18,19] there is ag reat interest in determining whether lower symmetry clathrate hydrates are indeed realized from cubic clathrate st...