Addition of thiols to semiconductor nanocrystals influences
photoluminescence efficiencies; however, the mode of ligationas
neutral thiol ligands or as anionic thiolate ligandsis rarely
clearly established. We now differentiate these ligation modes on
wurtzite CdSe quantum belts (QBs). n-Dodecanethiol
and n-dodecanethiolate ligations of CdSe QBs are
obtained through ligand exchanges. Reaction of {CdSe[Cd(oleate)2]0.19} QBs and sodium n-dodecanethiolate
affords {CdSe[n-C12H25S]0.23[Na]0.23} QBs, having bound-ion-pair X-type
ligation. Reaction of {CdSe[Cd(oleate)2]0.19} QBs and n-dodecanethiol affords {CdSe[Cd(n-dodecanethiolate)2]0.22} QBs, having
Cd(n-dodecanethiolate)2 ligands as Z-type
ligation. {CdSe[Cd(n-dodecanethiolate)2]0.22} QBs are also prepared by reaction of {CdSe[n-octylamine]0.53} QBs and Cd(n-dodecanethiolate)2. Reaction of {CdSe[Br]0.1[(n-octyl)4N]0.1} QBs and n-dodecanethiol affords {CdSe[n-dodecanethiol]0.26} QBs, having L-type ligation. {CdSe[n-dodecanethiol]0.26} QBs are also prepared by reaction
of {CdSe[n-C12H25S]0.23[Na]0.23} or {CdSe[Cd(n-dodecanethiolate)2]0.22} QBs with n-dodecanethiol.
Thus, interchange of n-dodecanethiol and n-dodecanethiolate ligation is readily achieved.