at interfaces are important for protein formulations and
in soft materials such as foam. Here, interfacial stability and physicochemical
properties are key elements, which drive macroscopic foam properties
through structure–property relations. Native and fluorescein
isothiocyanate-labeled bovine serum albumin (BSA) were used to modify
air–water interfaces as a function of pH. Characterizations
were performed with tensiometry and sum-frequency generation (SFG).
SFG spectra of O–H stretching vibrations reveal a phase reversal
and a pronounced minimum in O–H intensity at pH values of 5.3
and 4.7 for native and labeled BSA, respectively. This minimum is
attributed to the interfacial isoelectric point (IEP) and is accompanied
by a minimum in surface tension and negligible ζ-potentials
in the bulk. Interfacial proteins at pH values close to the IEP can
promote macroscopic foam stability and are predominately located in
the lamellae between individual gas bubbles as evidenced by confocal
fluorescence microscopy. Different from the classical stabilization
mechanisms, for example, via the electrostatic disjoining pressure,
we propose that the presence of more close-packed BSA, because of
negligible net charges, inside the foam lamellae is more effective
in reducing foam drainage as compared to a situation with strong repulsive
electrostatic interactions.