INTRODUCTIONThe role of transferrin and its cell surface receptor in cellular iron metabolism has received considerable interest during the last decade. Hence, over this period several reviews covering various aspects of the topic have been published.In this review we attempt to summarize the new knowledge and controversies encountered during the last 4-5 years. The focus is on iron metabolism by the hepatocyte. We also view the concept of transferrin-cell interactions from angles which previously may not have been given particular attention, and we include some aspects of iron metabolism not normally covered by reviews of this type. Central parts of what may be regarded as well-established knowledge either have been entirely omitted, or are only briefly described or mentioned to the extent considered relevant to the particular topic discussed. Important aspects of iron metabolism such as iron adsorption, haemochromatosis, ferritin iron and iron in infection and neoplasia are not covered in the present paper. Instead, the reader is referred to one or more of the recently published reviews [1-5] and references therein.