Molecular mass distribution measurements by pulsed gradient spin echo nuclear magnetic resonance (PGSE NMR) spectroscopy currently require prior knowledge of scaling parameters to convert from polymer self-diffusion coefficient to molecular mass. Reversing the problem, we utilize the scaling relation as prior knowledge to uncover the scaling exponent from within the PGSE data. Thus, the scaling exponent-a measure of polymer conformation and solvent quality-and the dispersity (M w /M n ) are obtainable from one simple PGSE experiment. The method utilizes constraints and parametric distribution models in a two-step fitting routine involving first the mass-weighted signal and second the number-weighted signal. The method is developed using lognormal and gamma distribution models and tested on experimental PGSE attenuation of the terminal methylene signal and on the sum of all methylene signals of polyethylene glycol in D 2 O. Scaling exponent and dispersity estimates agree with known values in the majority of instances, leading to the potential application of the method to polymers for which characterization is not possible with alternative techniques.
Keywords:Pulsed gradient spin echo, pulsed field gradient, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy, Molecular weight distribution, Polymers, DOSY, Polydispersity Index, Self-diffusion, Molar mass, Flory exponent, Lognormal distribution, Gamma distribution, End-group analysis, Scaling law Synthetic polymers have distributions of molecular masses determined by their synthesis [1]. Measuring the molecular mass distribution rather than its average is important because the dispersity can influence polymer properties [2]. Absolute as opposed to relative measurements are needed when using polymer physics to fully realize the potential applications of a polymer [3]. Only a handful of techniques can measure the absolute molecular mass distribution [3]. The gold standard is size exclusion chromatography (SEC) using universal calibration [4], which does not always work [5,6]. New techniques must be developed to aid in the advancement of polymer science.Pulsed gradient spin echo nuclear magnetic resonance (PGSE NMR) [7,8] is a powerful technique for obtaining the distribution of polymer self-diffusion coefficients D [9], from which the distribution of molecular masses M can be obtained by the scaling law [10] ration give PGSE NMR a competitive edge with respect to SEC. Chemical shift information [7], e.g. in a diffusion ordered spectroscopy (DOSY) plot [11], provides the ability to observe chemical heterogeneity and impurity. Sample preparation generally does not require filtration because contaminates from large particles such as dust do not impact the experiment. However, the scaling parameters of Eq. (1) specific to that polymersolvent system must be found by measuring ⟨D⟩ on fractionated samples of the polymer with known M. Therefore, currently all PGSE NMR-based methods which convert from D to M cannot independently measure the absolute molecular mass distribution [...