Oxidation of combustible wastes in molten salt baths is
being considered as an alternative to incineration. This
paper examines the oxidation of cyanide ions (present in
molten carbonate bath) by molecular oxygen as a function
of the total gas mixture (O2−Ar) flow rate, input gas
composition (vol % O2 in O2−Ar mixtures), melt composition
(initial mol % CN- in CN-−CO3
2- baths), and melt
temperature. The melts were sampled for the presence
of CN-, CNO-, NO2
-, and NO3
- while the gas streams were
sampled for N2, N2O, NO, NO2, CO, and CO2. While
cyanide destruction proceeds rapidly (>90% loss of CN-
at 486 standard cm3 per min, 40 vol % O2, and 1243 K), NO2
and CO emissions remain within the limits of air quality
standards. Under all conditions CN- and CNO- were the
major components, while NO2
- and NO3
- were the
minor components of the melt. The amount of CNO-
present in the melt after any period of reaction was always
smaller than the amount of CN- lost from the melt
during the same time period. The CO + CO2 content of
the gas was always much larger than the NO + NO2 content.
The CO/CO2 ratio was always small while the NO/NO2
ratio was always large. While N2 content was larger than
the NO + NO2 content, no N2O was ever detected.
Material balance indicated that most of the nitrogen input
to the system remained unaccounted after the reaction.
Significance of the data are discussed.