Refractory ‘stuffed’ pyrochlores such as Gd2TiO5 are of interest for nuclear applications, including as matrices for actinide disposition and as neutron absorbers in control rods. Here, we report the results of a preliminary comparative investigation of the synthesis of Gd2TiO5 by molten salt and conventional solid-state synthesis. We show that synthesis of Gd2TiO5 proceeds from the pyrochlore phase Gd2Ti2O7 which is first formed as a kinetic product. Molten salt synthesis afforded single phase Gd2TiO5 at 1300 °C in 2 h, via a template growth mechanism, and is effective for the synthesis of these refractory materials. This work demonstrates molten salt mediated synthesis of ‘stuffed’ pyrochlore for the first time.
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