The (2+1)-dimensional static magnetic susceptibility in strong-coupling is studied via a Reissner-Nordström-AdS geometry. The analyticity of the susceptibility on the complex momentum q-plane in relation to the Friedel-like oscillation in coordinate space is explored. In contrast to the branchcuts crossing the real momentum-axis for a Fermi liquid, we prove that the holographic magnetic susceptibility remains an analytic function of the complex momentum around the real axis in the limit of zero temperature. At zero temperature, we located analytically two pairs of branch-cuts that are parallel to the imaginary momentum-axis for large |Im q| but become warped with the end-points keeping away from the real and imaginary momentum-axes. We conclude that these branch-cuts give rise to the exponential decay behaviour of Friedel-like oscillation of magnetic susceptibility in coordinate space. We also derived the analytical forms of the susceptibility in large and small-momentum, respectively.