Coherent condensates appear as emergent phenomena in many systems 1-8 , sharing the characteristic feature of an energy gap separating the lowest excitations from the condensate ground state. This implies that a scattering object, moving through the system with high enough velocity for the excitation spectrum in the scatter frame to become gapless, can create excitations at no energy cost, initiating the breakdown of the condensate 1,9-13 . This limit is the well-known Landau velocity 9 . While, for the neutral Fermionic superfluid 3 He-B in the T=0 limit, flow around an oscillating body displays a very clear critical velocity for the onset of dissipation 12,13 , here we show that for uniform linear motion there is no discontinuity whatsoever in the dissipation as the Landau critical velocity is passed and exceeded. Since the Landau velocity is such a pillar of our understanding of superfluidity, this is a considerable surprise, with implications for the understanding of the dissipative effects of moving objects in all coherent condensate systems.The Landau critical velocity marks the minimum velocity at which an object moving through a condensate can generate excitations with zero energy cost 9 . In the frame of the object, moving at velocity v relative to the fluid, excitations of momentum p are shifted, by Galilean transformation, from energy E to (E -v.p). Superfluid 3 He has a BCS dispersion curve 1 with energy minima, E = Δ at momenta ±p F . Therefore excitation generation should begin as soon as one energy minimum reaches zero, i.e. when the velocity reaches the Landau critical value,We can investigate v L in condensates in two limiting regimes, i.e. for the motion of microscopic objects (e.g. ions) or for that of macroscopic objects. For ions, the critical velocity has been observed 10 in superfluid 4 He at the expected value of ≈ 45 m s -1 , and 3 confirmed in superfluid 3 He-B at 28 bar as consistent with the expected ≈ 71 mm s -1 value 11 . For macroscopic objects, the onset of extra dissipation at v L in superfluid 4 He cannot be observed since damping from vorticity becomes prohibitive at much lower velocities. However, while macroscopic objects can be readily accelerated at the lowest temperatures to the much lower critical velocities in superfluid 3 He, the experimental picture is somewhat misleading.In superfluid 3 He, oscillating macroscopic objects do indeed show a sudden increase in damping 12 , but at a velocity of only ≈ v L /3, arising from the emission of quasiparticle excitations from the pumping of surface excitation driven by the reciprocating motion 13 .Although this mechanism does not involve bulk pair breaking, it has created the impression that a Landau critical velocity has indeed been confirmed in 3 He, which is not the case.What should we expect for uniform motion? The textbook prediction suggests that at v L all details of the process become irrelevant. Condensate breakdown becomes inevitable; the constituent Cooper pairs separate; and the properties rapidly approaching those of...