The hunt for the benchmark topological superconductor 1,2 (TSc) has been an extremely active research subject in condensed matter research, with quite a few candidates identified or proposed.
However, low transition temperatures (T c ) and/or strong sensitivity to disorder and dopant levels inknown TSc candidates have greatly hampered progress in this field. Here, we use Angle-resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES) to show the presence of Dirac Nodal Lines (DNLs) and the corresponding topological surface states (TSS's) on the [010] faces of the T c =39K s-wave BCS superconductor MgB 2. Not only is this nearly triple the current record 3 of superconducting T c among all candidate TSc's, but the nature of these DNL states should make them highly tolerant against disorder and inadvertent doping variations. This makes MgB 2 a promising high temperature platform for the study of topological superconductivity.As its name suggests, a topological superconductor has two essential ingredients: nontrivial topology and the superconducting order. The exploration of topological superconductivity started with pwave superconductors such as Sr 2 RuO 4 4, 5, 6 and the 5/2 quantum Hall state in electron gas systems 7,8,9 , in which the chiral superconducting order parameter is topologically nontrivial by itself. However, these pwave superconductors are extremely sensitive to disorder, very scarce in nature, and have transition temperatures well below liquid helium temperature -each of which imposes great difficulties in the exploration of topological superconductivity. Thanks to the discovery of topological order in band structures 10,11 , it was soon realized 12 that the "topological" part of a TSc can be realized with a topological surface state arising from a topologically nontrivial band-inversion, which can then be gapped by a conventional s-wave superconducting gap. This opens many new pathways to higher T c topological superconductors. One route is to construct topological insulator / superconductor hetero-structures, in which the proximity effect allows the topological surface state of a topological insulator to be gapped by the superconducting gap of a neighboring superconductor 13,14,15 . However, the proximity effect that enables topological superconductivity also imposes a severe constraint on the perfection of the interface between the two materials, which is an even greater problem for higher temperature superconductors that naturally have shorter superconducting coherence lengths. The complication of the interface physics thus becomes a major obstacle which can be naturally circumvented in a singular system, such as the one discussed here. An alternative is to dope a known bulk topological material to make it superconducting, which has seen some success in materials such as Cu-doped Bi 2 Se 3 16, 17, 18 . However, given that the discoveries of high temperature superconductivity have been largely accidental, it is unclear how far this approach can be taken. 3With the explosion of discoveries on numerous topolo...