We explicitly calculate the four leading-order terms of the formal asymptotic series for large |ε| (where ε denotes the external energy parameter) of the single-particle Green function Gσ(ε), σ ∈ {−s, −s + 1, . . . , s}, and the three leading-order terms of that of the self-energy operator Σσ(ε), pertaining to systems of spin-s fermions (s = a half-integer) in d-dimensional spatial space, interacting through an arbitrary two-body potential v(r − r ′ ). These contributions, which are expressed in terms at most of a three-body static ground-state correlation function, are amenable to accurate numerical calculation through employing correlated many-particle ground-state wavefunctions such as determined within, e.g., the quantum Monte Carlo framework. Such calculations will provide indisputably reliable information with regard to the spectral function of the single-particle excitations at high energies of correlated systems, as well as energy moments of this spectral function, and thus help to assess the reliability of theoretical approaches that are applied in studying such systems. We give especial attention to d = 3 and v ≡ vc, the long-range Coulomb potential, for which case we explicitly calculate the five leading-order terms of the regularized large-|ε| asymptotic series of Σσ(ε). Our considerations reveal some interesting aspects which are very specific to the behaviour of vc(r − r ′ ) both at small and large values of r − r ′ . In particular, we show that in these systems an inhomogeneity, even on the atomic scale, in the particle spin-polarization density gives rise to a pronounced effect, directly discernible in the inverse-photo-emission spectra; we show this effect to be absent in models with v bounded at origin and those in which v ≡ vc but Umklapp processes are neglected, unless the ground state possesses long-range magnetic order. Our analyses shed light on the importance of the non-local part of the self-energy operator and disclose that some of strictly non-local contributions to this, transform into local ones upon replacing v ≡ vc by vc, implying that a local approximation to Σσ(ε) that for v ≡ vc proves accurate, is necessarily less accurate for v ≡ vc. These findings establish a fundamental limitation of the so-called 'dynamical mean-field' approximation to Σσ(ε), which is strictly local, specifically in applications where v ≡ vc. We further explicitly establish some of the shortcomings of Σσ(ε) as calculated within the framework of the many-body perturbation theory. In this context we demonstrate the empirically well-known inadequacy of the dynamically-screened exchange self-energy operator in particular for describing the photo-emission and inverse photo-emission spectra of interacting systems at intermediate and large transfer energies and put forward a workable scheme that rids this self-energy of its fundamental defects. We present ample explicit analyses of our results in terms of uncorrelated many-body wavefunctions.