By comparing two expressions for the polarization function Π(q, iω) given in terms of two different local-field factors, G+(q, iω) and Gs(q, iω), we have derived the kinetic-energy-fluctuation (or sixthpower) sum rule for the momentum distribution function n(p) in the three-dimensional electron gas. With use of this sum rule, together with the total-number (or second-power) and the kinetic-energy (or fourth-power) sum rules, we have obtained n(p) in the low-density electron gas at negative compressibility (namely, rs > 5.25 with rs being the conventional density parameter) up to rs ≈ 22 by improving on the interpolation scheme due to Gori-Giorge and Ziesche proposed in 2002. The obtained results for n(p) combined with the improved form for Gs(q, ω + i0 + ) are employed to calculate the dynamical structure factor S(q, ω) to reveal that a giant peak, even bigger than the plasmon peak, originating from an excitonic collective mode made of electron-hole pair excitations, emerges in the low-ω region at |q| near 2pF (pF: the Fermi wave number). Connected with this mode, we have discovered a singular point in the retarded dielectric function at ω = 0 and |q| ≈ 2pF.