In a low altitude recovery, a parachute has to reduce the recovery mass velocity to a predefined velocity before its ground impact within a vertical distance as low as possible. The article classifies various parachutes based on the parachute opening shock and distance necessary to satisfy the steady descent condition in an unreefed situation using numerical solutions of experimental and theoretical relations linked with the parachute opening and flight dynamics. Results show that the parachute filling time is the main parameter to differentiate all parachutes from each other. Based on the parachute filling time, slotted parachutes velocity history coverage locates between ribbon and ringsail parachutes, whereas solid textile parachutes span a range between extended skirt 14.3% and guide surface parachutes. In each group, a decrease in the parachute filling time as a result of the change in the parachute type causes an increase in the parachute opening shock as well as a decrease in the parachute steady distance.parachute drag force F max = opening shock g = gravity acceleration m = total recovery mass n = parachute filling parameter R m = mass ratio t = elapsed time t f = parachute filling time V = velocity X p = parachute shock reduction factor x = parachute filling distance = correlation coefficient = power of filling function = correlation exponent = air density Subscripts O = opening instant p = projected t = instant 0 = nominal