We propose a simple macro-dynamic model to rethink standard policy prescriptions. Our model includes exogenous growth, endogenous capital accumulation and debt, demand-driven production with a nonlinear IS curve, a dynamic Phillips curve, and fiscal and monetary policy instruments. It has multiple steady states with different stability properties, and it is analytically tractable to a significant extent. We complete the analytical results with simulations. We find alternative growth patterns, endogenous fluctuations, and demand-driven level effects even in the long-run. For certain steady states the model shows saddle-path type instabilities, which lead us to reflect on fiscal and monetary policy standards. * We would like to thank Giancarlo Gandolfo, Giovanni Dosi, Mario Pianta, the Editors and three anonymous referees of Metroeconomica for their helpful comments on previous versions of this work. This work has been supported by the S10 Research Group (DGA-Spain/FSE).By combining these elements, we arrive at a non-linear aggregative (nonmainstream) model which, nevertheless, may be recognizable even for mainstream economists. A strong point of the model is that it is tractable, transparent, and it allows us to revise some of the (contemporary) mainstream prescriptions at the light of well established (classical, but updated)
426Isabel Almudi et al.