his support not only during my doctoral studies but also since I did my master with the joint program. I have always benefited from our talks and I enjoyed our discussions. Also, I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Alejandro Gennari, who was the first person that suggested me pursue a Ph.D. and his support and feedback has been very important in the interpretation of water and grapevine management. Personally, I would also like to thank Dr. Sebastian Lakner, who acknowledged my willingness to pursue a doctoral degree and assisted me in the application process. Without his support I would not have returned so quickly to Göttingen. Pursuing a Ph.D. in Germany would have not been possible without the scholarship provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). They facilitated me and my wife with numerous benefits and opportunities. This research has also been funded by the Chair of Agricultural Market Analysis of the Agricultural Economics Department. Also, I would like to thank the institutions that assisted me in the field work and data collection planning. The coordination with the General Department of Irrigation (DGI) and the Statistics Bureau of the province (DEIE) allowed a detailed planning for fieldwork execution. Furthermore, DEIE advised me on how to assess socio-economic characteristics of producers and supported the logistic planning to collect the data. Also, Lic. Javier Castillo from the Provincial Energy Regulator Entity (EPRE) who facilitated me with the energy data for groundwater estimation, and Leonardo Insegna from the Agricultural Direction of Climate Contingencies (DACC) for their initial support.Life would not be complete without friends and memorable times. Göttingen has gone beyond my expectations and provided me with strong life-long friendship bonds. I am deeply thankful to all my friends and colleagues that supported and enriched my Ph.D. roller coaster. In particular, to the maes Luis & Gloriana, the garotinhos Caetano & Sabrina and, mi querido Atlético Chingones. To my dear colleagues from the Chair, I am really thankful for the opportunity to meet you, and share numerous amount of laughs, theoretical knowledge and asados. In alphabetical order, Bernhard, Claudia, Dela-Dem Do, Enrique, Gabriel, Jurij, Malte, Mareike, Marwan, Oliver, Tim, Yashree; your support has been invaluable at all times and I am deeply thankful that our paths have crossed.Last but not least, to my lovely wife Lucia who has always trusted in me and provided me with advice, support and containment. I deeply thank you. Also, I would like to thank my family for all the support and empathy with my objectives. I love you infinitely.1 This chapter is co-authored by Bernhard Bruemmer (BB) and Alejandro Gennari (AG). The contributions of each author are as follows: Sebastian Riera (SR), BB and AG conceptualized and designed the research. SR collected the data with support of AG. SR analysed and interpreted the data. BB and AG assisted in the analysis and interpretation of the results. SR wrote the paper. BB and AG als...