Unfortunately, all kinds of anthropogenic and natural factors contribute to the deformation of man-made structures. Geodetic control of buildings and structures, timely detection and elimination of deformations is a guarantee of long-term operation of the building. Monitoring is one of the most important tools to ensure the reliability and safety of multi-storey and large-scale buildings and structures during construction and operation. A significant amount of instrumental control during construction and operation is carried out by geodetic methods. Geodetic methods are used to determine both local and general deformations of buildings and structures, deviations of load-bearing, fencing structures from vertical and design drawings, foundations and soil settlements, through which the technical condition of the building or structure is specially assessed. Today, the analysis of deformations is an important task for every region of our country, especially for areas with changes in the earth's surface. The field of deformation research in the Republic of Kazakhstan is quite developed and there are many necessary materials to identify such changes. In our country, special services are organized to control any benchmarks and analyze the results of high-precision measurements in several cycles to detect any changes on the earth's surface. Therefore, this article provides an overview of both the classical methods of geodetic control and the tools and technologies used to determine the quantitative characteristics of the deformation of engineering objects.