Rare earth elements concentrate (REEs) which has been prepared from Rosetta monazite assays 44, 23, 16.94 and 5.91% for Ce, La, Nd and Pr, respectively. Highly pure individual separation of Pr(III) from this concentrate was achieved using a cationic Dowex 50W-X8 ion exchange resin. An EDTA solution assaying 0.015 mol L −1 was used for the complete REEs elution. In this study, the proposed method was applied for the determination of individual Pr(III) after the separation of Ce(IV) by oxidation at 200 °C and separation of Pr(III) from REEs concentrate via ion exchange. Simple perchlorate method was applied at the achieved optimum conditions for the separate spectrophotometric determination of Pr(III) at λ max 444 nm using the fourth derivative spectrum. A fourth derivative molecular absorption spectrophotometric was used to overcome the overlapped interfering spectra to determine the individual components.