The ALS is in a phase of rapid development. This past year the ALS served over 1000 users and that number is expected triple in the next three years. Currently there are seven insertion devices in operation including an Elliptically Polarizing Undulator (EPU) that mechanically shifts between left and right circularly polarized radiation at 0.5 Hz. A third harmonic cavity system has been installed and is providing longer lifetimes. A number of important machine developments are underway such as the inclusion of three superconducting magnets for the generation of high brightness, broadband, high energy photons; a fast orbit feedback system for improved orbit stability; and the inclusion of a second elliptically polarizing undulator. Future development plans include installation of more EPUs, and a narrow gap short period insertion device. In addition, several "complementary" sources are being studied such as a storage ring to produce far infrared radiation and sources to generate femtosecond x-ray pulses. In this paper we present an overview of the current operational performance and developmental plan for the ALS. users.