The gastric distribution and residence time of a new pectin-containing formulation, FF5005 (Farma Food A/S, Denmark), was investigated by using the technique of gamma scintigraphy in six healthy volunteers after administration with a radiolabelled meal. The formulation and test meal were radiolabelled with indium-113m and technetium-99m, respectively, and the formulation was administered to the subjects 30 min after the labelled meal. FF5005 was shown to float and form a discrete phase on top of the stomach contents and emptied from the stomach more slowly than the food (p less than 0.05, Wilcoxon signed rank test). The times taken for the formulation and test meal to half-empty from the stomach (T50) were 4.13 +/- 0.69 h (mean +/- SD) and 2.17 +/- 0.15 h (mean +/- SD), respectively. Greater than 50% of the formulation remained in the fundal region of the stomach for 3 h. FF5005 produced in vivo behaviour similar to that of established alginate-containing anti-reflux agents, and the pectin content of the formulation was shown to decrease the rate of emptying of the meal.