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REPORT DATE (DD-MM-YYYY)2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED (From -To) Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.In this multi-institutional grant, a new method for inactivating aerosolized biological agents was developed utilizing a new class of energetic materials: filled nanocomposite materials. The implemented approach enabled a controllable release of iodine-based oxidizing species in the combustion environment to inactivate viable airborne bio-agents, such as stress-resistant bacterial spores and viruses. Composites with adjustable Al/I2 ratios were produced. A state-of-the-art experimental facility was developed for studying how novel energetic formulations and their combustion products affect the viability of aerosolized spores and viruses during a short (< 1 s) exposure times. Controlled bioaerosol dispersal and sample collection protocols were developed and optimized. The dry-heat inactivation of aerosolized spores was quantified separately from chemical effects and linked to DNA repair mechanisms. It was concluded that the iodine-containing powder provided significantly more effective inactivation of airborne spores than non-iodinated powders. The results of this research help to better understand physical, physicochemical, and biological properties associated with inactivation of aerosolized bio-agents in combustion environments.Bioaerosol inactivation, spore, virus, bio-agent defeat, energetic material, iodine 1.000 000 x E -10 1.013 25 x E +2 1.000 000 x E +2 1.000 000 x E -28 1.054 350 x E +3 4.184 000 4.184 000 x E -2 3.700 000 x E +1 1.745 329 x E -2 t k = (t o f + 459.67)/1.8 1.602 19 x E -19 1.000 000 x E -7 1.000 000 x E -7 3.048 000 x E -1 1.355 818 3.785 412 x E -3 2.540 000 x E -2 1.000 000 x E +9 1.000 000 4.183 4.448 222 x E +3 6.894 757 x E +3 1.000 000 x E +2 1.000 000 x E -6 2.540 000 x E -5 1.609 344 x E +3 2.834 952 x E -2 4.448 222 1.129 848 x E -1 1.751 268 x E +2 4.788 026 x E -2 6.894 757 4.535 924 x E -1 4.214 011 x E -2 1.601 846 x E +1 1.000 000 x E -2 2.579 760 x E -4 1.000 000 x E -8 1.459 390 x E +1 1.
ABSTRACTIn this multi-institutional grant, a new method for ...