The influence of the initial phase composition and crystallite size on the mechanical
properties and the elastic behavior of oriented syndiotactic polypropylene (sPP) was investigated. Two
samples (A25 and B100) were crystallized from the melt respectively at 25 and 100 °C, obtaining the same
crystalline forms but different morphologies, in terms of crystallinity, crystal dimensions, and phase
composition. X-ray diffraction was used to determine the crystallinity and the crystal dimensions, whereas
the vapor transport properties allowed to evidence and quantify the presence of an intermediate phase.
Sample A25 shows smaller crystals, lower crystallinity, and a lower amorphous fraction but a larger
mesomorphic component as compared to B100. The two samples were then stretched to a draw ratio of 7.
They showed very different stress−strain curves, which appear to correlate with the initial structure.
On releasing the tension both fibers undergo a large shrinkage, reaching λ = 4. The presence of the
trans-planar form III and of the trans-planar mesophase characterize the fiber A25 at λ = 7 while upon
relaxation only the trans-planar mesophase and a small fraction of an oriented helical polymorph are
apparent. In the fully extended fiber B100 well-oriented form III and small amounts of a modestly oriented
helical form were evidenced. The relaxed fiber B100 contains an essentially unchanged crystalline helical
component along with the trans-planar mesophase. Stress−strain cycles of fibers A25 and B100 allowed
the determination of the hysteresis curves and the permanent set. The stress−strain data were evaluated
in terms of the Mooney−Rivlin equation and show for fiber B100, with a more substantial, less constrained
amorphous fraction and larger crystals, a more traditional elastomeric behavior. The permanent set is
similar for the two samples, but A25, characterized by smaller crystallites, more intimately connected
with the amorphous and a larger intermediate phase component, shows both higher modulus and strain
hardening. This features appear related to the limited extensibility of the chains forming the elastic
network of A25 and to its capacity to crystallize under stress.