“…Erythrocytes of the DNU (donor 1) and D II (donor 2) phenotype (samples obtained from Department of Transfusion Medicine, Ulm, Germany, and from the Blood Transfusion Service, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, respectively) were investigated using a panel of monoclonal anti-D with defined specificity to the Rh D antigen using either the nine epitope model (Lomas et al, 1989(Lomas et al, , 1993 or the 30-epitope model ( Jones et al, 1995). BRAD-2, BRAD-3, BRAD-5, BRAD-8, AB5, FEF-7 and 2B6 were provided by Dr Kumpel, IBGRL, U.K.; HAM-A, MAD-2 and RUM-1 by BPL, U.K.; BS221 and BS226 by Dr Sonneborn, Biotest AG, Germany; P3X249, P3X21211F1, P3X21223B10, HM16, P3X61, HM10 and P3X35 by Diagast Laboratories, France; BIRMA-D6 by the National Blood Service, Birmingham; ESD-1 by the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service, Edinburgh; REG-A and FOM-1 by N. Hughes-Jones, Cambridge, U.K.; UCHD4 by Dorothy Crawford, UCH, London; MCAD-1 by CSL Australia; MS26 by K. Thompson, IGRL, Norway; 8D8 by CLB Netherlands; HD7 by MRC, Cambridge, U.K. LOS-1, F-64, MCAD-6, LORI 1/2, 21 G6, OSK3-1, DBF-11, OSK3, FLOS3, D7 F2 F4, LDM-1 and LDM-2 were obtained from the ISBT/ICSH working party on blood grouping reagents.…”