IntroductionImmune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is classified as an autoimmune disease in which antibody-coated platelets are phagocytosed by macrophages in the reticuloendothelial system (RES) through Fc␥ receptor-mediated or complement-mediated pathways. 1 There are about 33 000 new cases of ITP diagnosed in the United States each year. [2][3][4] Platelets play an important role in blood homeostasis and vascular repair; consequently, thrombocytopenic patients are at risk for the development of purpura, petechiae, or even life-threatening bleeding such as intracranial hemorrhage. Corticosteroids, splenectomy, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), anti-D immunotherapy, and plasmapheresis have been used to acutely increase platelet counts in the treatment of ITP. 2-4 However, the above therapies are associated with troubling side effects and high cost. In addition, some ITP patients do not respond to any of the existing therapies; therefore, there is substantial need for the development of new strategies to treat this disease.In 1981, Imbach et al 5 reported the therapeutic efficacy of high-dose IVIG in ITP patients. Later, Salama et al 6 proposed that IVIG contained anti-red blood cell (anti-RBC) antibodies, which led to the opsonization of RBCs in vivo following IVIG administration. Additionally, Salama et al 6 hypothesized that antibodyopsonized RBCs competed for binding to Fc␥ receptors, effectively inhibiting the Fc␥ receptor-mediated elimination of platelets in ITP patients. Consistent with this hypothesis, anti-D, a polyclonal antibody preparation against the D antigens on the RBC, has been used to treat Rh ϩ ITP successfully. 2,7,8 Although anti-D has been Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved to treat ITP, this therapy is rarely associated with intravascular hemolysis, leading to severe anemia and, in very rare cases, death. 9,10 Additionally, anti-D has not demonstrated efficacy in D-negative patients or in splenectomized patients. 7,8 We have proposed that antibody-coated liposomes may be used in place of anti-D to compete for pathways for platelet elimination in ITP. 11 Previous work has shown that antibody-coated liposomes increased platelet counts in a rat model of acute passive ITP. 11 A murine model of chronic passive ITP, which may be more similar to human ITP, was developed here. The effects of antibody-coated liposomes were examined and compared with effects observed following treatment with IVIG or treatment with an anti-RBC monoclonal antibody (TER119). Our data showed that antibodycoated liposomes, IVIG, and TER119 increased platelet counts in this model. Antibody-coated liposomes achieved effects at a much lower immunoglobulin dose than that required for IVIG and, in contrast with TER119, antibody-coated liposomes achieved an increase in platelet counts without altering RBC counts.
Materials and methods
MiceFemale Balb/c mice (20 g) were obtained from Harlan (Bar Harbor, ME). Mice were kept under a natural light/dark cycle, maintained at 22 Ϯ 4°C, and fed with standard diet and water ad libitu...