“…[7][8][9][10][11][12][13] In which, aS is urface loaded with an oble metal is immersed in am ixed solution of HF and an oxidant such as H 2 O 2 .T he oxidanti sc atalytically reduced on the metal surface.This leads to enhanced oxidation of the Si surface around the deposited metal, and the resultingo xide (SiO 2 )l ayer is subsequently stripped off in HF.T his etchingm ethod has been applied to other semiconductors such as Ge, [14] SiGe, [15] GaAs, [16,17] SiC, [18] and GaN. [19,20] Metal-assisted chemical etching has, so far,b een used to fabricate three-dimensional structures such as pores and nanowires. We proposet he use of such electroless catalyst-assisted etching to flatten aG es urface, and the qualityo ft he flattened surfacei si nvestigated on the nanometer scale by using atomic force microscopy (AFM).The electroless reaction in this study is very simple, as showni nE quations (1)-(3).…”