We construct explicit local systems on the affine line in characteristic p > 2, whose geometric monodromy groups are the finite symplectic groups Sp 2n (q) for all n ≥ 2, and others whose geometric monodromy groups are the special unitary groups SUn(q) for all odd n ≥ 3, and q any power of p, in their total Weil representations. One principal merit of these local systems is that their associated trace functions are one-parameter families of exponential sums of a very simple, i.e., easy to remember, form. We also exhibit hypergeometric sheaves on Gm, whose geometric monodromy groups are the finite symplectic groups Sp 2n (q) for any n ≥ 2, and others whose geometric monodromy groups are the finite general unitary groups GUn(q) for any odd n ≥ 3.Contents 24 7. Going-up and going-down 31 8. Local systems and total Weil representations: Symplectic groups over F p 33 9. Local systems and total Weil representations: Symplectic groups over F q 36 10. Local systems and total Weil representations: Unitary groups over F q 43 References 552 dim(U ) c. By the Lefschetz trace formula, for each finite