The monogamy of entanglement stands as an indispensable feature within multipartite quantum systems. We study monogamy relations with respect to any partitions for the generalized W-class (GW) states based on the unified-(q, s) entanglement (UE). We provide the monogamy relation based on the squared UE for a reduced density matrix of a qudit GW state, as well as tighter monogamy relations based on the αth (α ≥ 2) power of UE. Furthermore, for an n-qudit system ABC
n−2, a generalized monogamy relation and an upper bound satisfied by the βth (0 ≤ β ≤ 1) power of the UE for the GW states under the partition AB and C
n−2 are established. In particular, two partition-dependent residual entanglements for the GW states are analyzed in detail.