The behavior of three dmit containing semiamphiphilic salts ([Ni(dmit)2][DDI]2, [Ni(dmit)2][DDI], [Pd(dmit)2][DDI]2) has been investigated in detail at the air−water interface. An osmotic equation of state
was fitted to the liquid expanded regions of the π−A isotherms, while the surface potential isotherms were
analyzed using the Helmholtz equation (HE). A molecular orientation was proposed for each material
based on the cross-sectional areas calculated from the equation of state, and these were consistent with
the apparent dipole moments calculated from the HE. The behavior of the palladium salt was found to
differ from that of the two nickel salts, with plots of isotherm gradient against water content being coincident
for the nickel salts but not so for the palladium containing material. This was explained as being due to
the almost identical lipid−lipid Lucassen−Reynders (LR) interaction coefficients calculated for the two
nickel salts, which differed significantly from the coefficient calculated for the palladium derivative. The
magnitudes of the coefficients were qualitatively in agreement with the molecular orientations proposed.