Several large scale laser applications require diode pumps for high efficiency and average power, but are sensitive to diode performance-cost tradeoffs. This paper describes approaches for addressing these issues, using the example of inertial fusion energy drivers. OCIS codes: (140.0140) Lasers and laser optics, (140.3480) Lasers, diode-pumped (140.2010) Diode laser arrays
IntroductionThere is currently great interest in extremely large laser systems for applications such as inertial fusion energy (IFE) and scientific exploration. These applications require excellent beam quality and optical pulse durations of a few nanoseconds, for which laser designs utilizing optically pumped gain media are typically employed.[e.g.; 1-4] When such systems must operate at high repetition rates (above 10 Hz) or with high efficiency (>10%), semiconductor laser diodes are used to pump the gain media because of their high brightness, high wallplug efficiency, and narrow emission spectrum.The diode pumps can contribute a significant fraction of the overall cost of these large systems. For this reason, several approaches have been proposed to mitigate the impact of diode costs. These include design choices at the system level, such as simplifying the requirements for pump coupling to the gain medium [1] and using gain media with longer energy storage lifetimes.[3-5] These approaches also include component level design modifications, including increasing the power per diode chip,[1, 6] simplifying the package design, [7] and operation at cryogenic temperatures.[8] This paper discusses the performance tradeoffs of such approaches, methodologies for quantitatively assessing their impact on system costs, and the conclusions resulting from these analyses.