We are aiming to construct Quark Hadron Physics and Confinement Physics based on QCD. Using SU(3) c lattice QCD, we are investigating the three-quark potential at T = 0 and T = 0, mass spectra of positive and negative-parity baryons in the octet and the decuplet representations of the SU(3) flavor, glueball properties at T = 0 and T = 0. We study also Confinement Physics using lattice QCD. In the maximally abelian (MA) gauge, the off-diagonal gluon amplitude is strongly suppressed, and then the off-diagonal gluon phase shows strong randomness, which leads to a large effective off-diagonal gluon mass, M off ≃ 1.2GeV. Due to the large off-diagonal gluon mass in the MA gauge, infrared QCD is abelianized like nonabelian Higgs theories. In the MA gauge, there appears a macroscopic network of the monopole world-line covering the whole system. From the monopole current, we extract the dual gluon field B µ , and examine the longitudinal magnetic screening. We obtain m B ≃ 0.5 GeV in the infrared region, which indicates the dual Higgs mechanism by monopole condensation. From infrared abelian dominance and infrared monopole condensation, low-energy QCD in the MA gauge is described with the dual Ginzburg-Landau (DGL) theory.
Quark Hadron Physics from Lattice QCDQuantum chromodynamics (QCD) established as the fundamental theory of the strong interaction takes a simple form [ 1,2],however, it is still hard to understand nonperturbative phenomena, such as color confinement and dynamical chiral-symmetry breaking, due to the infrared strong-coupling feature [ 1,2]. In this decade, lattice QCD Monte Carlo calculations have been developed and have been mainly applied to (i) hadron spectroscopy and (ii) finite temperature QCD phase transition, with a great success. However, lattice QCD is applicable also to (iii) Quark Hadron Physics and (iv) Confinement Physics, as a useful and reliable method. Our group is aiming to construct Quark Hadron Physics and Confinement Physics based on lattice QCD. Our strategy is to adopt lattice QCD calculations to the relevant