If spin liquids have been famously defined by what they are not, i.e. ordered, the past years have seen the frontier between order and spin liquid starting to fade, with a growing number of materials whose low-temperature physics cannot be explained without co-existence of (partial) magnetic order and spin fluctuations. Here we study an example of such co-existence in the presence of magnetic dipolar interactions, related to spin ice, where the order is long range and the fluctuations support a Coulomb gauge field. Topological defects are effectively coupled via energetic and entropic Coulomb interactions, the latter one being stronger than for the spin-ice ground state. Depending on whether these defects break the divergence-free condition of the Coulomb gauge field or the long-range order, they are respectively categorized as monopoles -as in spin ice -or monopole holes, in analogy with electron holes in semiconductors. The long-range order plays the role of a fully-occupied valence band, while the Coulomb spin liquid can be seen as an empty conducting band. These results are discussed in the context of other lattices and models which support a similar co-existence of Coulomb gauge field and long-range order. We conclude this work by explaining how dipolar interactions lift the spin liquid degeneracy at very low energy scale by maximizing the number of flippable plaquettes, in light of the equivalent quantum dimer model.The possibility to recast the collective behavior of electrons and atoms as elegant emergent phenomena is probably one of the most fascinating aspect of condensed matter. The emergence of quasi-particles does not only allow for a deeper understanding of the problem at hand but has also often led to surprising connections across physics, as recently illustrated by photon-like magnetic excitations in quantum spin ice 1-4 . Such approach takes an enhanced flavor when the particle has not yet been observed at high energy, or may not exist. This is for example the case for Majorana fermions observed in nanowires coupled to superconductors 5 , and for magnetic monopoles and their underlying Coulomb gauge field 6 .Coulomb gauge theories have emerged from a variety of discrete models, on the kagome lattice 7 , in fully-packed loop models 8 , itinerant-electron systems at partial-filling 9-11 and chemically disordered materials such as CsNiCrF 6 12 . We refer the interested reader to the excellent review by Chris Henley on this topic 13 . But its most famous experimental realization has probably been observed in the classical spin liquid ground state of spin ice materials Dy 2 Ti 2 O 7 and Ho 2 Ti 2 O 7 , where topological excitations take the form of magnetic monopoles effectively interacting via long-range Coulomb interactions.Interestingly, a Coulomb phase is not incompatible with partial magnetic order. For example, the stability of a Coulomb ferromagnet has been discussed in the context of the generalized Quantum Spin Ice model 14,15 and observed over a finite temperature window in a classical spin...