Introduction: This study examines effects of lowthreshold afferents from the brachioradialis (BR) on excitability of triceps brachii (TB) motor neurons in humans. Methods: We evaluated the effects using a post stimulus time histogram (PSTH) and electromyogram averaging (EMG-A) methods in 13 healthy human participants. Electrical conditioning stimulation to the radial nerve branch innervating BR with the intensity below the motor threshold was delivered. Results: In the PSTH study, the stimulation produced a trough (inhibition) in 36/69 TB motor units for all the participants. A cutaneous stimulation never provoked such inhibition. The central latency of the inhibition was 1.5 6 0.5 ms longer than that of the homonymous facilitation. In the EMG-A study, the stimulation produced inhibition in EMG-A of TB in all participants. The inhibition diminished with a tonic vibration stimulation to BR. Discussion: These findings suggest that oligosynaptic inhibition mediated by group Ia afferents from BR to TB exists in humans. 57: 122-128, 2018 Spinal reflex arcs mediated by low-threshold afferents (group I afferents, Ia fibers from muscle spindles and Ib fibers from Golgi tendon organs) among muscles in the human upper limb have been extensively studied. 1-23 Among human elbow flexors and extensors, oligosynaptic inhibition mediated by group Ia afferents has been demonstrated between the biceps brachii (BB) and the triceps brachii (TB) muscles, which are elbow flexors and extensors, respectively, and between the BB and the brachioradialis (BR) muscles, both of which are elbow flexors. 4,9,11,16 However, no reports describe a reflex arc between BR and TB.
Muscle NerveOn the other hand, Cavallari and Katz 3 demonstrated disynaptic inhibition mediated by group Ia afferents from the radial nerve branch innervating wrist extensor muscles to TB. However, their conditioning stimulation did not include the radial nerve branch innervating BR. Therefore, the reflex arc between BR and TB is still unknown. The current study explores inhibition from BR to TB motor neurons using a post stimulus time histogram (PSTH) and electromyogram averaging (EMG-A) methods.
Participants.The experiments were performed with 13 healthy human participants, ages 20-42 years, all of whom gave their informed consent to the experimental procedures, which were approved by the ethics committee of Yamagata University School of Medicine. The PSTH study was carried out with 8 of the 13 participants (males, 25-42 years old) and the EMG-A study was carried out with 9 (eight males, 1 female, 20-38 years old) of the 13 participants. Each participant was seated comfortably in an armchair. The examined (right) arm lay on an armrest with the shoulder slightly flexed (about 308), the elbow semiflexed, and the forearm pronated.Conditioning Stimulation. In both the PSTH and the EMG-A studies, electrical rectangular pulses of 1.0-ms duration were delivered to the radial nerve branch innervating BR (BR nerve) with surface electrodes (1.0-c...