It is shown that the class of left-to-right regular languages coincides with the class of languages that are accepted by monotone deterministic RL-automata, in this way establishing a close correspondence between a classical parsing algorithm and a certain restricted type of analysis by reduction.
Mathematics Subject Classification. 68Q45.Article published by EDP Sciences c EDP Sciences 2009 654 F. OTTO only a quadratic time bound in the worst case, even though this "rarely (if ever) occurs in practical situations" (see [2]). Further, these implementations can only handle certain subclasses of the left-to-right regular languages. The restarting automaton, on the other hand, was defined by Jančar et al.[7] to model the analysis by reduction, a technique used in linguistics to analyze sentences of natural languages with free word-order. A restarting automaton has a finitestate control and a read/write window of a fixed size that works on a flexible tape delimited by sentinels. It works in cycles. In each cycle it starts in its initial state with its read/write window in the leftmost position, scanning the left sentinel and the prefix of the current tape content. It can move its window on the tape one cell at a time by performing move-right and move-left steps until, at some place, it decides to rewrite the part of the tape content in its window by a shorter string, in this way also shortening the tape. After that it may perform further move operations until it eventually executes a restart. Such a restart places the window back over the left hand of the tape and resets the finite-state control to the initial state. Then the next cycle starts on the now shortened tape. The automaton halts by either performing an explicit accept instruction, or by entering a configuration for which its control unit has no further instructions, in which case it rejects.In fact, many different models of restarting automata have been developed (see, e.g., [23] for an overview). For example, monotone deterministic R-automata accept exactly the deterministic context-free languages, while monotone RLWWautomata characterize the class CFL of context-free languages [8]. Further, deterministic RWW-automata accept the Church-Rosser languages (CRL) of [15,19], which are of interest as they have linear-time decidable membership problems. Observe, however, that in general a deterministic restarting automaton (of any form) may execute up to n cycles on an input of length n, which yields a quadratic timebound. The class CRL properly includes the deterministic context-free languages, but it is incomparable under inclusion to the class of unambiguous context-free languages [9]. The intersection of the classes CRL and CFL has been investigated only recently [13], and it has been shown that the problem of deciding whether a given Church-Rosser or context-free language belongs to this intersection is complete for the second level of the arithmetic hierarchy.In [11] it is shown that monotone deterministic two-way restarting automata (that is, det-mon-RL-a...