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AbstractOver the last decade, isotone recursive methods have provided uni…ed catalog of results on existence, characterization, and computation of Markovian Equilibrium Decision Processes (MEDPs) in in…-nite horizon economies where the second welfare theorem fails. Such economies include models with production nonconvexities, taxes, valued …at money, models with monopolistic competition, behavioral heterogeneity, and incomplete markets. In this paper, we survey this emerging class of methods. Our methods use a qualitative approach to economic equilibria …rst introduced in the work in operations research by Veinott and Topkis. As the methods emphasize the role of order, they are amenable for obtaining conditions for monotone comparison theorems on the space of economies. We are also able to describe monotone iterative procedures that provide the needed foundations for a theory of numerical solutions for MEDPs and stationary Markov equilibrium (SME). One interesting additional result of independent interest is we construct su¢ cient conditions for the existence of a new class of envelope theorems for nonconcave programming problems.Email addresses:, Kevin.Re¤ We are deeply indebted to Len Mirman and Olivier Morand for numerous lengthy discussions concerning many issues discussed in this survey. Many of the results presented in this paper were developed originally in some form during our joint work with Len and Olivier over the last …ve years. We dedicate this paper to Len Mirman on the occasion of his sixty-…fth birthday. Indeed, this paper would not have been written without Len's ongoing pioneering work on equilibrium growth under uncertainty. We also thank Elena Antoniadou, Hector Chade, John Coleman, Jeremy Greenwood, Seppo Heikkila, Ken Judd, Tom Krebs, Cuong Le Van, Robert Lucas, Jr., Jianjun Miao, Chris Shannon, John Stachurski, Yiannis Vailakis, Charles Van Marrewijk, Jean-Marie Viaene, Itzhak Zilcha, and especially Robert Becker and Manuel Santos for many helpful conversations over the past years. All mistakes remain our own.