For a discrete metric space (or more generally a large scale space) X and an action of a group G on X by coarse equivalences, we define a type of coarse quotient space X G , which agrees up to coarse equivalence with the orbit space X G when G is finite. We then restrict our attention to what we call coarsely discontinuous actions and show that for such actions the group G can be recovered as an appropriately defined automorphism group Aut(X X G ) when X satisfies a large scale connectedness condition. We show that for a coarsely discontinuous action of a countable group G on a discrete bounded geometry metric space X there is a relation between the maximal Roe algebras of X and X G , namely that there is a * -isomorphism C * max (X G ) K ≅ C * max (X) K⋊G, where K is the ideal of compact operators. If X has Property A and G is amenable, then we show that X G has Property A, and thus the maximal Roe algebra and full crossed product can be replaced by the usual Roe algebra and reduced crossed product respectively in the above equation.