In this paper, we consider the problem of inserting semi-continuous function
above the (generalized) real-valued function in a monotone fashion. We
provide some characterizations of stratifiable spaces, semi-stratifiable
spaces, and k-monotonically countably metacompact spaces (k-MCM) and so on.
It is established that: (1) A space X is k-MCM if and only if for each
locally bounded real-valued function h : X ? R, there exists a lower
semi-continuous and k-upper semi-continuous function h': X ? R such that
(i) |h|? h', (ii) h'1 ? h'2 whenever |h1| ? |h2|. (2) A space X is
stratifiable if and only if for each function h : X ? R* (R* is the
generalized real number set), there is a lower semi-continuous function h' :
X ? R