This paper is concerned with the Cauchy problem ut = uxx + f (t, u), x ∈ R, t > 0,where f is a rather general nonlinearity that is periodic in t, and satisfies f (·, 0) ≡ 0 and that the corresponding ODE has a positive periodic solution p(t). Assuming that u0 is front-like, that is, u0(x) is close to p(0) for x ≈ −∞ and close to 0 for x ≈ ∞, we aim to determine the long-time dynamical behavior of the solution u(t, x) by using the notion of propagation terrace introduced by Ducrot, Giletti and Matano (2014). We establish the existence and uniqueness of propagating terrace for a very large class of nonlinearities, and show the convergence of the solution u(t, x) to the terrace as t → ∞ under various conditions on f or u0. We first consider the special case where u0 is a Heaviside type function, and prove the converge result without requiring any non-degeneracy on f . Furthermore, if u0 is more general such that it can be trapped between two Heaviside type functions, but not necessarily monotone, we show that the convergence result remains valid under a rather mild non-degeneracy assumption on f . Lastly, in the case where f is a non-degenerate multistable nonlinearity, we show the global and exponential convergence for a much larger class of front-like initial data.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35K15, 35B40, 35B35, 35K57.