We propose a certain functional which is associated with principal eigenfunctions of the elliptic operator L A = −div(a(x)∇) + AV · ∇ + c(x) and its adjoint operator for general incompressible flow V. The functional can be applied to establish the monotonicity of the principal eigenvalue λ 1 (A), as a function of the advection amplitude A, for the operator L A subject to Dirichlet, Robin and Neumann boundary conditions. This gives a new proof of a conjecture raised by Berestycki, Hamel and Nadirashvili [5]. The functional can also be used to prove the monotonicity of the normalized speed c * (A)/A for general incompressible flow, where c * (A) is the minimal speed of traveling fronts. This extends an earlier result of Berestycki [3] for steady shear flow.which model various physical, chemical, and biological processes: On unbounded domains [17,44], compact manifolds [10], and bounded domains with appropriate boundary conditions [1,5,7,34]. Function w represents the density of a population or a substance diffusing with diffusion matrix a(x), reacting through the nonlinearity wf , and advected by the stationary fluid flow V in heterogeneous media.Let Ω be a bounded region of R N with smooth boundary ∂Ω, and n(x) be the outward unit normal vector at x ∈ ∂Ω. Consider equation (1) defined on Ω and suppose that w satisfies bw +(1−b)[a(x)∇w]·n = 0 on ∂Ω with parameter b ∈ [0, 1]. The stability of steady state w ≡ 0 and the minimal speed c * (A) of traveling fronts for equation (1) are associated with the principal eigenvalue, denoted as λ 1 (A), for the linear eigenvalue problem L A u := −div(a(x)∇u) + AV · ∇u + c(x)u = λ 1 (A)u, subject to appropriate boundary conditions, where c(x) = −f (x, 0). 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 35J20, 35J60, 35P15.